Accident Man Comments

  • Berneice 2023-02-18 21:04:57

    Youku may have a lot of...

  • Ryley 2023-02-16 17:42:00

    It actually feels like there is a realm of Gu Long's novel. . . If it is a little more compact, it can be scored 5...

  • Uriel 2023-02-11 23:04:55

    I remember there was also a killer who made accidents, which was better than this...

  • Cecelia 2023-02-10 02:38:01

    Cool film, very violent and bloody, if violence can solve the problem, why talk about...

  • Roderick 2023-01-27 08:15:08

    Some fighting scenes are slightly rigid in design. The excuse that the mastermind is his own internal friction is too...

  • Spencer 2023-01-26 16:05:28

    No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, stale and sloppy...

  • Marilie 2023-01-24 10:17:34

    The traces of the set are a bit heavy, except for Akins, none of them can play hhh, but due to the excellent smoothness of movement and editing, the look and feel is still good. The story is actually a bit silly, so I arranged a bunch of monologues from the male protagonist to explain the biggest problem. It's that the super-long flashback in the middle is too slow. Dude, wouldn't it be nice to delete that part and add some action...

  • Gerard 2023-01-14 20:48:41

    If the Wuzhi can be more forceful, the overall view will be...

  • Kay 2022-12-24 05:49:34

    It’s really the director’s kindness that other killers can live to the...

  • Madonna 2022-12-13 12:50:49

    The British martial arts version of "Quick Pursuit". A good popcorn...

Extended Reading

Accident Man quotes

  • Jane The Ripper: It's time to butter the toast, Michael. And if you're lucky, I'll let you lick the knife.

  • Mike Fallon: Meet Jane the Ripper. Now, her tale is as old as time. She was an American Army brat raised in Japan, hated her stepdad, loathed authority, and ran away from home at 16. She spent the next decade under the tutelage of a disgraced ronin. But that's a story for another time. Jane lures in her marks in the most old-fashioned of ways. She gets them all hot under the collar, and when they least expect it, she unleashes the fury like a woman scorned. She's an expert swordswoman and a right nasty bitch. The Honey Trap Killing Machine. There's a rumor going round she keeps her male victims' nether regions in a trophy case at home. If that's true... then that is a shitload of cocks in a cabinet. All the lads would love to shag her, but we're all too scared we'd never live to tell the tale.