A Twelve-Year Night Comments

  • Hayley 2023-02-02 07:10:34

    Freedom and life are the most...

  • Ronny 2023-01-16 01:35:49

    It is estimated that it is another film that will be criticized, just like the film review of "I am not a medicine god" that I watched some time ago is gone, and only stars are left. I won’t talk about the keywords that may be blocked, I just want to say: In this world, the best is people, and the worst is also people. You can't even think of what people become so evil...

  • Vincenzo 2023-01-05 15:10:31

    "Really warriors, dare to face the bleak life, dare to face the dripping blood. What kind of sorrow and happiness is this? However, good fortune is often designed for mediocrity, using the flow of time to wash the old ruins, leaving only Under the pale red blood and indifferent sorrow. In this pale red blood and indifferent sorrow, people have a temporary life and maintain this human-like and inhuman world. I don’t know when this world will end. !" The bird that is prisoner in the cage yearning...

  • Sammy 2022-12-29 22:50:19

    One star is for this president. Most people only know that neighbors Chile and Argentina have had a hard time overthrowing the dictatorial military government. They don't know that Uruguay, the safest (and arguably most developed) country in Latin America, has also experienced all this. Jose mujica has actually appeared in the sight of Chinese people, if you search for "the poorest president". He was shot 6 times that year. He is now 85 years old. He married his wife who fought in the...

  • Emilio 2022-12-27 13:57:23

    people talk without speaking, people hear without listening, people writing songs that voice never share, (we making movie that heart never take). soul). Pay tribute to this movie and wake up our music movie circle with the song from the...

  • Israel 2022-12-08 12:59:39

    Freedom is not...

  • Doug 2022-11-25 18:05:59

    "Memories of the Dungeon" I have watched a lot of Uruguayan prison movies, and they are basically related to escape, or they are related to the discussion of spirit and freedom, but this movie did not, they were imprisoned for 12 years, and they used each other for 12 years. Morse code communicated, full of gloom and dullness. When they finally met on the playground and played football, these two frames were so moving. I don't know much about politics, and I don't know Uruguay's politics, but I...

  • Cristobal 2022-11-07 14:01:47

    The heavy history cannot be objectively evaluated. The modern history of South America is tortuous and violent, fast and ruthless. I really admire its self-reflection ability. La confianza en la carrera de la gente. At home, I often want to ask ¿ Dónde está la gente?,¿ si podríamos conseguir algo como ellos...

  • Gennaro 2022-10-26 06:42:56

    The president is a good president, and the film is not a good...

  • Alexzander 2022-09-29 03:39:39

    Great people always have extraordinary qualities, and 12 years of dark dungeon life have not been able to kill their will. Among them, Jose Mujica was elected president of Uruguay in 2010. He is known as the world's poorest president with assets of 1,800 US dollars. In contrast, Mujica said: "I'm not poor, I'm rich!" Maybe for the future president who was tormented in the dungeon, this kind of richness is...

Extended Reading

A Twelve-Year Night quotes

  • Mauricio Rosencof: Please, Barriola, let's solve this. I can't listen to you anymore.

    Soldato Barriola: Stop calling me by my name! What do you want the paper and pen for?

    Mauricio Rosencof: For you to write her a letter.

    Soldato Barriola: What for?

    Mauricio Rosencof: Because you said she was hot, I thought you liked her.

  • Jefe Militar: The world is full of idealists. Hell is full of good intentions. This is your hell.

    Eleuterio Fernández Huidobro: I take responsibility for my mistakes and the consequences.

    Jefe Militar: No, you take responsibility for neither. We forced you to take responsibility. Your defeat forces you to.

    Eleuterio Fernández Huidobro: I did what I did because I believed in what I was doing. I'm responsible and I accept my punishment. But not you or anyone else will take me for defeated.

    Jefe Militar: So you're not defeated? It's not the years that passed, but think about the years that awaits you. You'll never get out of here.

    Eleuterio Fernández Huidobro: I might die here, but when that happens, I know the weight of my burden. But you, do you know how much yours weighs?