A Somewhat Gentle Man Comments

  • Herta 2023-07-02 14:39:12

    The Norwegian uses a light comedy to address the serious question of how a former murderer can reintegrate into society after a dozen years in prison. And how did his former friends, family, and enemies treat him, and how did he deal with it. Some of these relationships are bound to be broken, and some need to be re-established. In the end, he still made a choice under the inspiration of love, maybe this is a new beautiful...

  • Major 2023-06-25 09:47:34

    This movie is really inexplicable. At first I envied the equal treatment of a murderer serving 12 years in prison, and I also liked the vitriol of the landlady. But slowly the story changed, the daughter-in-law discriminated against the murderer, and the mean landlord became extremely weak. And the most puzzling thing is that instead of killing the informer, he killed a friend who was more active in revenge than himself. It's really inexplicable. I even checked the original name of the movie,...

  • Sam 2023-06-16 06:07:22

    Hahahaha for the first time I thought Nordic's cold humor is cute, but that middle-aged woman's sex scene is the most disgusting sex scene I've ever...

  • Dominic 2023-06-15 03:59:27

    The ending is a little abrupt, and the little gang eldest brother could be a little more intense. . Others are very good, Nordic cold warmth, interspersed with some second and cold humor....

  • Mason 2023-05-31 15:05:55

    Cold humor, impulsive good person, all kinds of...

  • Jeremy 2023-05-13 05:39:16

    There are surprises in the film, there are some small highlights, and there is something behind the story, I feel that middle-aged men will like...

  • Summer 2023-05-02 03:22:42

    One good man, two murders, three women, spring after four...

  • Casimer 2023-05-01 08:50:00

    Funny tough old man, direct sex, giggles, good smoking scene at the...

  • Kayden 2023-04-23 13:01:16

    Have to be patient. Slowly paving the way for a bunch of things, it was a little exciting in the end, and finally killed the right...

  • Name 2023-04-21 06:19:59

    The way each character is expressed is very interesting, I can't help but imagine that everyone in this country is like this? What an amazing...