A Soldier's Story Comments

  • Gaston 2023-03-01 02:24:04

    dw Danze Washington I said it's a bit like an impromptu murder. It's mainly because of his acting skills. Suddenly he ran away and solved the...

  • Bertha 2023-01-14 15:09:05

    Nice to see! I don’t understand American culture, and the pace is a little slow, so my thinking is easy to go wrong when watching the...

  • Leif 2022-12-14 16:44:27

    He has the concept of class in his heart and uses it to measure the people around him, whether he is above or below the so-called class, his soul is not...

  • Harmon 2022-12-14 11:56:45

    It feels like the setting of this kind of movie about the shady story of the American army is similar, but this one has some unusual racial elements. . . Sure enough, that was the super-young Denzel...

  • Liliane 2022-12-14 11:01:39

    The dubbed version, and I believe it has been castrated, so it doesn't feel very enjoyable. But the theme is good and the way it is presented is what I like. Regardless of the military theme and narrative method, it is very similar to West Point. The ending is also...

  • Felipe 2022-12-13 19:23:34

    This is an Oscar-nominated film, no one has seen it...

  • Katrine 2022-11-16 22:13:20

    I don't care about the issue of "racism", and it is purely from the viewing angle of social reasoning; the "case investigation" part before the truth emerges is very exciting, and the Rashomon-style "multi-perspective narrative" is gradually spliced ​​out like a jigsaw puzzle. The real image of the murdered officer, "Isn't his hatred of blacks who take pleasure in whites not an insinuation of his cowardly self?"; but unfortunately, without any foreshadowing and plot connection, the final...

  • Garry 2022-10-27 00:15:06

    The official Hong Kong translation of the film: Gunshots in the...

  • Melissa 2022-10-19 22:47:59

    The story of a soldier is actually the story of a country. There is no doubt that at the time of the story of "A Soldier's Tale", serious racial segregation still existed in American society. Director Norman Jewison gave the audience sufficient hints on this point, but this "colored" In the final analysis, the detection process of the barracks murder case is to let the audience hear the clarion call for the evolution of the status of black Americans in the United...

  • Myrtle 2022-10-19 20:15:56


Extended Reading

A Soldier's Story quotes

  • [Last lines]

    Captain Taylor: I guess I'll have to get used to Negroes with bars on their shoulders, Davenport. You know, being in charge.

    Captain Davenport: Oh, you'll get used to it, Captain. You bet your ass on that. You'll get used to it.

  • Master Sergeant Vernon Waters: And if it wasn't for you Southern niggers, white folks wouldn't think we was all fools.

    Private First Class Peterson: Well, where are you from? England?