A Single Man Comments

  • Kurt 2021-12-17 08:01:06

    There is rarely such an absolutely clear moment in my life. In these few seconds, the silence is silent. I use feelings instead of thinking. Things are so vivid, the world is so fresh, and everything is full of existence. -------I remembered this sentence. And the whole movie screen is so beautiful that you can press pause at any time and rippling for a long...

  • Sonny 2021-12-17 08:01:06

    The last ten minutes of the film is simply the most direct counterattack to those "art movie 101", "over-directed" criticisms. This kind of delicate and exquisite "feeling" would never be shot in such a private shot. It's definitely not Colin Firth but Tom Ford that really made this movie shine. And form is never the most important...

  • Casey 2021-12-17 08:01:06

    Shocked by Tom Ford's directing ability, impressed by Colin Firth's acting skills, stunned by Nicholas Hoult, as well as the soundtrack, editing, script (thanks to QAF's wonderful translation) and Moore, who has not many roles, performed perfectly. So I think this is the best movie last year! Oscar, you're really too...

  • Oma 2021-12-17 08:01:06

    The color change is quite...

  • Lucie 2021-12-17 08:01:06

    This is clearly just the director showing his orientation, aesthetics, hobbies, taste and...

  • Carmel 2021-12-17 08:01:06

    Sometimes the truth in life is cruel. Those who succeed will lose their love; those who don’t worry about life will have no face to return to their hometown. The young and handsome hope for a great future. And this one-way path in life, no matter how you go, there is only one result: death is the future. And on the way, I keep learning and losing one by...

  • Augustine 2021-12-17 08:01:06

    As Tom Ford's debut, it is already very good. Of course, it was Colin Firth who sublimated it. The pictures are exquisite and the tone is sad, but they are not artificial. It reminds me of Wong Kar Wai's movies several times. Every picture is beautiful and can be frozen at any time to let you have a long aftertaste. The soundtrack is even more perfect, with deep love and loneliness immersed in the slow progress of the plot....

  • Elsa 2021-12-17 08:01:06

    Is it too hypocritical to be sublimated to a spiritual epiphany after losing to...

  • Jasmin 2021-12-17 08:01:06

    Happy but not lewd, sad but not hurt. Affectionate love, graceful...

  • Toby 2021-12-17 08:01:06

    "It's been raining all day here. I've been stuck at home waiting for your call." For Richard Buckley, the little one in the ending credits, cried...

Extended Reading

A Single Man quotes

  • Carlos: No one has ever picked me up and not wanted something.

    George: I think you picked me up.

  • Carlos: Sometimes awful things have their own kind of beauty.