A Short Film About Killing Comments

  • Miles 2022-03-24 09:03:49

    It is in the same line with the style of "Two Lives of Flowers" later. Wong Kar Wai should have stolen a lot of teachers from here, "Kie, do you still want the used filter? I'm Xiao...

  • Rahsaan 2022-03-23 09:03:29

    Keith's films... sometimes seem like a pool of stagnant water: the variously carved shots shot through the lens, the unparalleled and breathtaking symphony, the almost crazy control over the actors' performances... However, when the film ended, this pool of stagnant water set off Thousands of waves... In the end, you found out that his films are so natural... This is what a movie made with "heart" should look...

  • Brice 2022-03-23 09:03:29

    What Kieslowski's "Murdering Short Film" tells us is that the right to intentionally kill a murderer for any purpose, even to preserve the common happiness of mankind, is still a reprehensible crime. "Dancer in the Darkness" tells the same story. Of course, it is also a shameful crime to have a tyrant stand on the...

  • Pearlie 2022-03-22 09:02:59

    5.0 Yellow-green filters, story development and description. Even after reading it, I have to face the thinking....

  • Easton 2022-03-22 09:02:59

    Expand the Fifth Commandment to a movie. More yellow filters replaced green filters; added shots of lawyers and waitresses, bringing a few initially unrelated people closer together; removed the Fifth Commandment with several other Commandment-linked shots; the soundtrack is better and more...

  • Frances 2022-03-21 09:03:27

    Yellow-green tone, large vignetting picture, very tense atmosphere. The simplest story can be summed up in a single sentence, so that it can be narrated in parallel with multiple lines, and the actions of three men who were initially unrelated are finally intertwined. In such a simple plot, the biography of the characters can also be shaped, giving space to the performance. To be able to shoot like this is very...

  • Katherine 2022-03-20 09:03:07

    After reading the fifth commandment, I understood what the director wanted to express. "A human being is free. His liberty is to the extent that he does not harm another's liberty. Punishment? Punishment is a form of revenge, especially when it is intended to harm the offender rather than prevent it. Is it really for the sake of innocent people? Are the legislators really...

  • Elmer 2022-03-20 09:03:07

    A depressing story. Somber atmosphere, dark tones, painful music. Side A, 45min, how to kill an ordinary person. Side B, 35 min, how to kill a sinner. Part of the courtroom is deliberately missing, leaving only the joy of the lawyers and the pain of the present. Young people kill without motivation because they have lost the support of life and deliberately seek death, but they have great fear when they face...

  • Alexa 2022-03-20 09:03:07

    138 This is probably the cruelest movie I've ever watched, Crime and Atonement, Murder and Death. The yellow tones and oppressive vignetting, I literally almost vomited the moment I stoned the...

  • Alexzander 2022-03-20 09:03:07

    Teach you how to kill and then watch him get killed, two kills is really intuitive, the foot sticking out of the accelerator and the pad under the gallows. It is said that more than 600 filters and occlusions were used, and the repaired version is drunk. Keith is alive and his photographer Itzhak has developed an app that is absolutely awesome. The death proposition that has risen to the height of philosophy is accompanied by atmospheric music, which is full of force. Beijing Film Festival...

Extended Reading

A Short Film About Killing quotes

  • Jacek Lazar: I didn't listen in court, not until you called to me. They were all... all against me.

    Piotr Balicki: Against what you did.

    Jacek Lazar: Same thing...

  • Piotr: So you want me to see your mother.

    Jacek: Yes, to ask her to bury me next to my father. Can I be buried in a cemetery?

    Piotr: Yes.

    Jacek: The priest they sent said I could.

    Piotr: Naturally.

    Jacek: Next to my father is another plot. It was supposed to be for my mother. Ask her to let me have it.