A Short Film About Killing Comments

  • Jamir 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    Watching this film immediately after The Light of Spirituality stands out for Kieslowski's extremely mature use of film language and clear meaning. The filter is bold and beautiful, and the soundtrack is so good, I was almost out of my body when I watched it... Although I guessed the relationship between the three lines early in the morning, the dexterity of the multi-line narrative gave me a sense of world affairs without losing its strength. Coupled with the presence of sporadic children and...

  • Alyce 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    4.5 stars. When I watched it, I was shocked. Although there seems to be a fault in the middle, it has its own logic. Put two facts, two people meet to produce an event. The cast is great, and the image of each character is very distinct and believable. Judging from the information conveyed, the taxi driver's life is also a negative energy to the society, but the young guy in his early 21s is full of violence. His behavior was wrong, but he lived a simple and real...

  • Mabelle 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    #ChiyeThemeRetrospective Exhibition2021##ArchivePhoto#A work of shocking style, making Chiye's first work that has truly gained international reputation. The righteousness and righteousness speculation between morals, laws and emotions is somewhat of a shadow of Tuo Weng's "Crime and Punishment", which is based on the fifth story "Don't Kill" in Chiyehong's masterpiece "Ten Commandments"-in addition to increasing the childhood of the male protagonist Except for memory and emotional clues, there...

  • Leone 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    As a particularly depressing and heavy one in the director's work, the consistently strong mood of the film is magnified in the dark tones. From the cat who was hanged at the beginning of the film to the hero who was executed and hanged at the end of the film, I was very uneasy during the whole viewing process. The film seems to discuss the justice of the death penalty, but in fact, from point to point, it extends to all aspects of Polish society at that time. What impresses me the most is the...

  • Mabelle 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    1. Regardless of the law, justice, justice and other issues he discussed, I am more interested in the motive for the murder. The photo of my sister is the biggest mystery! 2. Keith's films have a strong sense of fate, but they are full of...

  • Vilma 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    It looks like a very powerful film, and it is the work of the master. In fact, the plot is very simple, it is time to kill people together, but there is a lot of blank time for the audience to think...

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    Some films are doomed not to be unknown from the very...

  • Arielle 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    8.5/10. ①Similar to the story of the fifth commandment of Keith's "Ten Commandments" (below: "Five"), the young man killed the driver who had run over his sister while drinking and was then sentenced to death. The idealistic lawyer who took the case (defending the hero) was heartbroken and questioned the rationale for the death penalty. ②The audiovisual is the same as "Five", but the editing and content are more restrained than the latter (for example, the lawyer's confession at the beginning...

  • Leola 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    Kieslowski; The film describes violence calmly and objectively; when the death penalty is ruthlessly rampant, what is the law and what is the morality? In the film, the lawyer said: The law acts as a deterrent, and it is usually unjust; when the death penalty is imposed in the name of the state, it is undoubtedly murder; the movement in the death penalty scene is terrifyingly contrasted; the color restoration is seen. , the color is handled very...

  • Dewayne 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    Krzysztof Kieslowski's Killing Commandments A gray city is full of bastards A bastard kills a bastard bastard thus sentenced to death A bastard tells a tragic story of his life with a lawyer before he dies A bastard becomes worthy of mercy The law also became an asshole at the moment of death. I've always been a supporter of the death penalty. It's a pity that this movie has shaken me a little...

Extended Reading

A Short Film About Killing quotes

  • Jacek Lazar: I didn't listen in court, not until you called to me. They were all... all against me.

    Piotr Balicki: Against what you did.

    Jacek Lazar: Same thing...

  • Piotr: So you want me to see your mother.

    Jacek: Yes, to ask her to bury me next to my father. Can I be buried in a cemetery?

    Piotr: Yes.

    Jacek: The priest they sent said I could.

    Piotr: Naturally.

    Jacek: Next to my father is another plot. It was supposed to be for my mother. Ask her to let me have it.