A Short Film About Killing Comments

  • Carli 2022-03-29 09:01:09

    The scenes of several groups of dead animals at the beginning of the film directly create a very gloomy and depressing atmosphere of the story, and then through the filter, the tone of the film is made extremely lifeless and gray, so that the later realistic killing process is even more cruel and dark. fear. ...When the murderer took possession of the taxi, he heard the children's song on the radio, "I want to hear a story about lions...". Coincidentally, the children downstairs happened to be...

  • Kade 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    When watching this film, I thought that only Jack was the most obvious murderer, but finally found out that it is not the case. I remember a sentence that the trainee lawyer said, which impressed me deeply. He said that since Cain, no punishment has been effective in reducing crime in the...

  • Rogelio 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    The soundtrack to the video is amazing! Before the murder, although the images were very fragmented, the opera-like soundtrack appeared many times inexplicably, as if forcing the plot to a climax. The lawyer's conversation came back. The narrative is calm, and the camera is restrained, as if it all happened naturally, but the perception it brings is completely the...

  • Charity 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    Someone wants me not to watch this kind of movie, but how can I get rid of this kind of movie as I am. So someone's words can only be ignored. . After reading it, it took a few days to recover from the blues. Especially the neurotic sadness of this movie, the behaviors shown are so tangled and terrifying. One more piece of music from Krzysztof's movie, it made my heart...

  • Darien 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    Compared with the changes in the short TV version, the lawyer interview and the ending, the film is more lively and dull, and it takes off the taste of the propositional composition of the Ten Commandments. Of course, the TV version has already expressed it very well, the sad alienation of human murder and system murder, and the murder short film is more like a dirge of life (death, youth,...

  • Anne 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    Refined, without redundant shots, each shot speaks the language appropriately, and the director's skill and intention in the use of shots can be seen. There is a kind of "point of view" in the lens, whether it is the audience or the characters, it is closely related to the drama. The extensive use of Lujing mirrors also produces a "point of view", emphasizing the importance and selectivity of the people and things to be described, but some scenes focus on dark places to create tension for the...

  • Elsa 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    Can the "justice" of the law save people? This is the question posed by the film. Kieslowski is a master of light, and like the other films I've seen, there is no auxiliary light source, and life takes on its original light and dark. The use of the green filter replaces the life force it should symbolize with the serenity leading to death while bringing in the "poetry of dust". Death is so gruesome because we live in a boring...

  • Hester 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    The whole film is full of darkness, negativity, and a sense of death. Every character looks depressing, but will the over-exaggeration be the...

  • Verda 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    Destiny is directly made up of two colors: muddy brown for everyday life, high-rise buildings, dirt and murder. The dark green represents the absolute ruthlessness of law and death. In fact, in March 1987, the huge Warsaw seemed to be directly composed of dung, as if it was on the verge of doomsday. Those green, glass or fluorescent lamps were simply the motionless eyebrows of Death...

  • Eriberto 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    Concise and powerful, true and terrifying, the murderers have blood and feelings, and the ruthless side of the righteous people is displayed under the ruthless...

Extended Reading

A Short Film About Killing quotes

  • Jacek Lazar: I didn't listen in court, not until you called to me. They were all... all against me.

    Piotr Balicki: Against what you did.

    Jacek Lazar: Same thing...

  • Piotr: So you want me to see your mother.

    Jacek: Yes, to ask her to bury me next to my father. Can I be buried in a cemetery?

    Piotr: Yes.

    Jacek: The priest they sent said I could.

    Piotr: Naturally.

    Jacek: Next to my father is another plot. It was supposed to be for my mother. Ask her to let me have it.