Amelia 2021-12-14 08:01:11
I love dream-like, cut edged, fluid animation (yes, [XIII]...
A Scanner Darkly Comments
Medical Deputy #2: Damage has taken place to the normally dominant left hemisphere, and the right hemisphere is attempting to compensate.
Fred: The two hemisphere in my brain... are competing?
Medical Deputy #2, Medical Deputy #1: [in unison] Yes.
Medical Deputy #1: You know, Fred, if you keep your sense of humor like you do, you just might make it.
Fred: Make it? Make what? The team? The chick? Make good? Make do? Make out? Make sense? Make money? Make time? Define your terms. The Latin for 'make' is facere, which always reminds me of fuckere, which is Latin for 'to fuck', and I have been getting jack shit in that department as of late.