A Scanner Darkly Comments

  • Kade 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    don't like this...

  • Madisyn 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    This is kind of hard to...

  • Destin 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Only understand at the end. ....

  • Clyde 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Your sister's turned out to be a cartoon pass...

  • Maryam 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Science fiction plus philosophy, some can't stand...

  • Emerson 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Too many lines, I slept to...

  • Jeromy 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Rely on special effects to attract the audience, and leave after visual...

  • Brain 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Dare to talk more...

  • Cassandre 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    To be honest, I don't...

  • Krista 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    The screen is a bit...

Extended Reading

A Scanner Darkly quotes

  • Fred: I'm not going to tell you first what I do as undercover officer engaged in tracking down dealers and the source of their illegal drugs in the streets of our cities and the corridors of our schools here in Orange County. I'm going to tell you what I'm afraid of.

  • Freck: [twitching horribly] Okay, if you guys are gonna kill eac hother, I'm s-splitting! It's getting very fucked up over here!

    Fred: Freck, the most dangerous kind of person is the one who's afraid of his own shadow.

    Freck: What is that supposed to mean?

    Barris: It means, Freckles, that if you take too much of that stuff, not only are you going to start seeing and feeling buggy bugs all over yourself but you're also gonna start talking like...

    [makes quacking sounds]

    Barris: And no one can understand you.

    Fred: What did you say, Barris? I didn't understand you.

    [Barris softly quacks to Fred and then louder at Freck]

    Freck: You guys are fucked up!

    Barris: [imitating Frecks in a raspy twitching voice] Oh no. It is you ga ga goo that are fuck upted up!

    [Freck leaves and Luckman throws a rock to the ground]

    Luckman: Go Freck yourself!

    Barris: [in a high pitched voice] "Don't take the car, you'll kill yourselves! Ye gogh gogh gogh gogh!"