A Perfect Plan Comments

  • Pattie 2022-11-14 00:15:42

    Surprisingly good-looking, with a lot of laughs. But after thinking about it carefully after reading it, the heroine may be bored with the constant life of ten years, and the hero brings her a lot of freshness, so she is only together, whether it can go on forever depends on whether the heroine likes the freshness...

  • Geovany 2022-10-31 14:39:40

    Hahaha. The male and female protagonists are so loving, a soulful and cute silly, a magical Bai Fumei, the duo of living treasures made a real love in the bloody plot. The most ingenious thing about this movie is the design at the beginning and the end. An old and annoying leftover girl begins to believe in love again in the love story and meets Mr Right. Such a ruthless screenwriter and director, who actually dismantled the influence of love on the audience's psychology in all movies. People...

  • Opal 2022-10-17 00:28:27

    The scenery of Kenya and Russia in the film are very beautiful, and the transition is very natural. There is no feeling of just going to spend more money. If you watch it as a funny film, there are many places where you will laugh. And the heroine DianeKruger is really beautiful. Can be dignified, sexy, funny, and super good. But as a boyfriend who has watched romance films for ten years, can he just give up like this? I still feel that it is a bit too romantic to give up...

  • Kennedy 2022-09-29 18:36:04

    I don't understand...

  • Chris 2022-09-25 04:20:19

    Completely deny that this is a French movie. It's an American movie in French packaging. Of course, the French elements in the film are very...

  • Chesley 2022-09-17 06:21:39

    The heroine is in great...

  • Margarette 2022-09-12 07:16:03

    Dessert movies, great to watch when you're stressed. such as...

  • Blanca 2022-09-08 13:17:52

    France is romance, and that's fine too. . . . Pretty interesting...

  • Maeve 2022-04-24 07:01:23

    Bai Fumei is really willing to spend money! ! The three views of the film are not correct, even if Diaosi successfully counterattacks, can it change the nature of the green tea bitch who cheated on marriage? ! Besides, what did Pierre do wrong, is it fair to him in the end to perfunctory him like...

  • Guiseppe 2022-04-24 07:01:23

    There are many happy and warm sightseeing films. The movie with the most laughs this year after Thai...