A Night to Remember Comments

  • Dennis 2022-08-21 09:24:34

    Steady as a...

  • Barton 2022-08-20 09:18:23

    Later, Cameron added a love line is a smart approach, because if it is only used as a disaster film, it is difficult to surpass the old version. On the basis of inheriting a large number of classic clips, and adding the love story of Jack and Ruth, it not only makes up for the chaotic defects of the original main line, but also makes it more romantic and moving. "Titanic" made the disaster plot more tense and moving, and with the blessing of better special effects, it achieved an effect beyond...

  • Merl 2022-06-04 23:08:43

    When I was in elementary school, it seemed that I was watching on the TV of eight channels. It was CC. I almost didn’t remember that I saw it. But when I thought of this movie, I thought of the beginning. The old lady said that the ship was named Titanic and Champagne. How could I remember so...

  • Jacinthe 2022-06-04 22:49:52

    While watching this movie today, I found that there was also a piece of news: "The latest picture! The wreck of the Titanic will be severely corroded or disappear completely in 2030"-from April 12, 1912, the Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean Later, many film and television dramas described this human tragedy. This movie and the 1997 movie Myth of Cards are both high-scoring movies. I have seen "Titanic" a long time ago, and this "Ice Sea" "The Shipwreck" was only fully...

  • Randi 2022-06-04 20:27:08

    The originator of the shipwrecked blockbuster, the portrayal of the group of characters is in place in detail, some details and the appearance of independent characters are full of human nature, which contrasts with those hypocrites who fish in troubled waters, and various words and deeds when escaping. Compared with "Titanic", the explanation of the cause of the accident is more detailed and more rational. One thing I remember is very deep: what a mother returned to the room when she evacuated...

  • Jean 2022-06-04 19:31:06

    I know this is out of fairness, but why have to arrange for the lower-class passengers who boarded later to assume the panic, and the first-class passengers who boarded first to assume the conscience? One of the biggest gaps between classes is not the material condition but the right to choose. If gamblers are thrown into the lower hatch, so that they will only have two combo boats when they get out of the deck, how much physical and mental time will they have? , To make a moral choice? Cameron...

  • Jasper 2022-06-04 19:26:46

    In that era without any special effects, such a beautiful disaster film can be made. The card god 97 version removes the main line of Jack Ruth's romantic love, and too many details come from this deep-sea sunken ship! It is not overly sensational, but it shows the true appearance and the portrayal of the group portraits and the various human natures of the shipwreck. 4.5 stars,...

Extended Reading

A Night to Remember quotes

  • Lady Richard: [observing the strict "Women and Children" first policy on the port side of the Boat Deck] It's absurd. On the other side the gentlemen are going in the boats with their ladies. Why on earth we're standing here, I don't know.

    Sir Richard: But... Well, there'll be room in the boats for everybody.

    Lady Richard: Of course there will.

  • Robbie Lucas: Oh, Mister Andrews?

    Andrews: Yes?

    Robbie Lucas: I'd like you to tell me something. I... I have a wife and three children on board. Just how serious is it?

    [Andrews hesitates]

    Robbie Lucas: I'm not the panicking kind.

    Andrews: The ship has about an hour to live. A little more, if some of the upper bulkheads hold, but not much more. Get your wife and children into the boats.

    Robbie Lucas: Thank you.

    [Andrews walks off]

    Robbie Lucas: Oh, Mister Andrews?

    [Andrews stops and turns around]

    Robbie Lucas: I take it you and I might both be in the same boat later?

    Andrews: [smiles sadly] Yes... We may.

A Night to Remember

Director: Roy Ward Baker

Language: English,Russian,Polish,German,Italian Release date: December 16, 1958