A League of Their Own Comments

  • Emie 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    The story of a group of women chasing their dreams, and finally the heroine let her sister and let her bump into herself. I hope I can watch every good movie in the world, a good movie, it is a touch, or any kind of emotion, even better than a person's life, like movies, add me QQ 364155401, recommend each other...

  • Austin 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    It's really inspirational, especially cute, Madonna dance is still strong...

  • Ismael 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    I like this kind of inspirational movie. The girls use their strength to prove that they are not vases on the court and have a wonderful life! The vast majority of people can only spend their lives without any disturbances, and I envy the way they are doing their best to shine! Also, Sister Mai is really suitable for such a coquettish and affectionate role as...

  • Burnice 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Baseball fans will love it! The plot is like a joke or something, but the details are really good, it's really funny, the middle plot is a bit disconnected, the plot development is incoherent, maybe my version is wrong, what does Hanks really act like? Smart and very pretty! Putting on the protective gear is heroic and...

  • Kaya 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    classic. Hollywood really can't make such solid dramas anymore these days. From the background of the era to the shaping of a person, it is full and vivid. Geena Davis, with high cheekbones and a big mouth, is very beautiful and is the queen of Colombian actresses in the 1990s. I like everything from "Agents" to "Little Rat". (The Chinese title is also poorly...

  • Wiley 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Wheat Milk and Hans Zimmer teamed up with Tom Hanks for 30 minutes before he showed his face and didn't understand the rules of baseball. The first half was more...

  • Kelli 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    It's great because it's hard life changes engraved for life A woman's beautiful and strong pride has won her...

  • Demarco 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    The history of the birth of women's baseball is, of course, the blessing of World War II. Only when men disappear, society will recognize that women are actually human beings just like men, rather than...

  • Amiya 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    [7.5] Routine films with serious heart and soul are like cookies. They know the direction of the plot but are not too disgusting, and the ending is still too obvious to be idealized. (Everyone is so...

  • Wayne 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Like pieces of memory, now and forever makes me a little...

Extended Reading

A League of Their Own quotes

  • Charlie Collins, Racine Coach: Okay, come on. We got a lot to do, let's settle down. You are the first...

    [Sees Shirley Baker over at the lists]

    Charlie Collins, Racine Coach: Honey, are you supposed to be here or are you on the cut list?

    [Shirley doesn't respond]

    Charlie Collins, Racine Coach: Look, I'm sorry, but if you're cut, you have to leave the field.

    Shirley Baker: [Almost in tears] Mm-hmm

    Charlie Collins, Racine Coach: Well, are you cut? Oh, just look on the list. It's either Rockford, Racine, Kenosha, or South Bend.

    [Shirtley turns to the lists, starting cry, as Helen Haley approaches her]

    Helen Haley: Hi.

    Shirley Baker: Hi.

    Helen Haley: Um, can you read, honey?

    Helen Haley: Alright. What's your name?

    Shirley Baker: Shirley Baker.

    Helen Haley: Shirley Baker. Let's have a look.

    [She looks at the Rockford Peaches list first and spots Shirley's name]

    Helen Haley: This is you.

    [Shirley laughs happily]

    Helen Haley: You're with us. You're a Rockford Peach.

    Charlie Collins, Racine Coach: [Smiling] Go join your team.

    [Shirley joins the Rockford Peaches, sitting down next to Marla]

    Charlie Collins, Racine Coach: Now, you are the first girls in the All American Girls Profession Baseball League. My name is Charlie Collins. I'll be managing the Racine team when the season begins.

    [Racine team cheers]

    Charlie Collins, Racine Coach: Now, at the end of practice today, you're all gonna be fitted for your uniforms and this is what they're gonna look like. Pretty darned nifty if you ask me.

    [Model walks up on the platform in a wool uniform complete with a miniskirt]

    Unnamed Ball Player #1: You can't slide in that!

    Doris Murphy: Hey, that's a dress!

    Mae Mordabito: It's half a dress! Excuse me, but that's not a baseball uniform!

    Doris Murphy: Yeah, what do you think we are? Baseball players or ballerinas?

    Kit Keller: [to Dottie] It's awfully short.

    Dottie Hinson: Short? I'm gonna have to squat in that thing.

    Unnamed Ball Player #2: I can't wear that. My husband'll kill me.

    [Ira Lowenstein approaches]

    Helen Haley: Excuse me, sir.

    Ira Lowenstein: Ladies...

    Shirley Baker: Excuse me.

    Ira Lowenstein: If you can't play ball in this, you can't play ball with us. Now, there are 38 girls on a train ride home, who'll play in a bathing suit, if I ask them.

    Mae Mordabito: Yeah, well, there are no pockets for my cigarettes.

    [Doris laughs]

    Ira Lowenstein: Ah, there is no smoking. There is also no drinking and no men.

    [Mae gets up, angry, ready to leave, but Doris pulls Mae back down against her will, with Mae sitting back down, frustrated]

    Ira Lowenstein: . All of your activities will be approved through your chaperones. And you will also be taking regular classes at Charm and Beauty school.

    Doris Murphy: For what?

    Ira Lowenstein: Every girl in this league is going to be a lady.

    [Marla looks scared]

  • Margaret: [Tosses catchers mitt into Dottie's suitcase] Thought you might need that.

    Older Dottie: Where'd you find this?

    Margaret: In one of the boxes after...

    [Dottie tries it on for size]

    Margaret: Needs oil.

    Older Dottie: Ha! Who doesn't?

    Margaret: You ready?

    Older Dottie: I'm not going.

    Margaret: Oh! Mom! I already got 2 children, I don't need a 3rd.

    Older Dottie: Why is it so important that I go?

    Margaret: Well, for one thing, it'd be nice if you left the room. Besides, these are your old friends.

    Older Dottie: They probably won't even remember me.

    Margaret: The Queen of Diamonds? Dottie Hinson?

    Older Dottie: Margaret, I just don't think this is a good idea.

    Margaret: I don't know what you're so worried about. Plus, you're gonna get to see Aunt Kit. You two ever get to see each other.

    Older Dottie: We still won't. Kit won't be there, she'll be travelling around with that husband of hers.

    Margaret: Frank. He has a name: Frank. And he's always been very nice to you.

    Older Dottie: Makes me nervous.

    Margaret: Mom.

    Older Dottie: Honey, I'm not comfortable about this. I was never really part of it. It was just something I did.

    Margaret: Mom, when are you gonna realize how special it was? How important it was?

    Older Dottie: I...

    Margaret: Yeah, I know. I know how you feel, I really do.

    [Dottie smiles]

    Margaret: But you're going.

    [She forces her up from the kitchen table and out the door]

    Older Dottie: [Heading to the car] Car, plane, a bus. I'm tired already.

    Margaret: You'll sleep on the plane.

    Jeffrey: Grandma's out of the room. Is there a fire?

    Older Dottie: Weisenheimer.

    Margaret: Julie, next door, is watching you and I don't wanna get any bad reports.

    [She gets into the driver's side of the car, as Dottie is fixing her coat]

    Margaret: .

    Older Dottie: Jeffrey? Come here.

    [He heads on over]

    Older Dottie: Listen, no matter what your brother does, he's littler than you are. So, give him a chance to shoot.

    [Jeffrey nods, and heads back to the basketball net]

    Older Dottie: . Bobby?

    [Bobby walks over]

    Older Dottie: Kill him.

    Margaret: Come on, you'll miss your plane.

    [She gets into the car, and she and her daughter drive off, as Bobby and Jeffrey continue their game, with Bobby shooting and making a basket]

    Bobby: Yeah!