A Knight's Tale Comments

  • Jose 2022-04-20 09:01:21

    The American Dream is everywhere. ....

  • Isai 2022-04-20 09:01:21

    It turned out that he starred in Brokeback Mountain. . . I said it looked familiar, alas. . Pity. ....

  • Agustina 2022-04-20 09:01:21

    It's... not forgiving of Heath, he just sold the handsome from this one and then played the brother in...

  • Rubie 2022-04-20 09:01:21

    I didn't expect the medieval story to be so modern and the beginning was Queen's famous song. The emotional drama is too nonsense. Heath Ledger is like a combination of Joseph and Pete. The last sentence shouted the feeling of freedom Vile Easter...

  • Ludwig 2022-04-20 09:01:21

    That wanton young man, ecstatic. It's a pity that the story is average, and the heroine is too frustrated. ....

  • Wade 2022-03-23 09:01:28

    It's obviously a rhythm where the male protagonist looks better than the female protagonist....

  • Asa 2022-03-23 09:01:28

    I thought it was a war movie, and I was obsessed with spears and swords and shields in the Middle Ages before the invention of guns. But it's just one joust after another on a modern rock soundtrack. It is still a little sad to see the deceased. Want to ask Geoffrey Chaucer is really so "chunky" in...

  • Ibrahim 2022-03-23 09:01:28

    This is the first time I heard we will rock you, and the heroine is...

  • Genoveva 2022-03-23 09:01:28

    seen before. that's the first time i recognized Heath leger. and the servant i like him too, and i saw him in rage, beautiful mind, all with Russell...

  • Kirsten 2022-03-23 09:01:28

    Following his own footsteps, I really don't know whether he is walking forward in the footsteps of his own knights or climbing up the ladder of the beautiful lady, but his loyalty to his friends is...

Extended Reading

A Knight's Tale quotes

  • Jocelyn: Even the peasants can marry for love.

  • William: Can you keep a secret?

    [the lone girl nods]

    William: I was born in Cheapside, in that house over there.

    [points it out to the girl]

    Lone Girl in Cheapside: Really? I live just there.

    [points to the house across from it]

    William: Wait, how old are you?

    Lone Girl in Cheapside: Nine and one half, sir.

    William: Nine and one half. I wonder, can you remember a man, although probably died just before you were born. He was as tall as a knight, his name was John Thatcher.

    Lone Girl in Cheapside: Well of course I remember him.

    William: You do?

    Lone Girl in Cheapside: Yeah, he lives there still.

    [William is shocked]

    Lone Girl in Cheapside: Sometimes you can see him looking from his window, though no one knows why.

    William: What do you mean?

    Lone Girl in Cheapside: He's blind, sir.