A Knight's Tale Comments

  • Durward 2022-04-21 09:01:31

    It's basically a simple romance, except I've been obsessed with this dead dude lately. You see, when I was alive, I didn't think he was better, and he was still...

  • Milan 2022-04-21 09:01:31

    I don't know why watching this movie on TV made me feel so profound at the...

  • Bo 2022-04-21 09:01:31

    "The poor can marry for love." Except for Paul Bettany, who "became famous before his ass", this is the...

  • Rowan 2022-04-21 09:01:31

    It's really a movie that you can guess the ending after watching the beginning... Heath Ledger looks better in ancient costumes! The heroine looks so much like Rainie Yang! ! ! I don't have any sympathy at...

  • Colt 2022-04-21 09:01:31

    Very Chinese, naive, cliché and funny. In a good mood. Ledger always wears cute open pants...

  • Reginald 2022-04-20 09:01:21

    too good to be true...was true...thanks to movie...still...

  • Madalyn 2022-04-20 09:01:21

    When Heath was still in costume... he was more handsome,...

  • Mae 2022-04-20 09:01:21

    Yes! That's the very...

  • Colleen 2022-04-20 09:01:21

    This is an alternative Hollywood film about ancient European culture. The screenwriter and director seamlessly grafted the content of modern pop culture, modern pop music, Olympic spirit, and conventional romance films with European traditional culture, and successfully produced a This is a sports-themed inspirational film that borrows from the past and metaphors the present. The conventional plot of this film is a point deduction, and many supporting characters sometimes steal the show, but in...

  • Jamar 2022-04-20 09:01:21

    I can't bear to give two stars for Heath Ledger's sake and for Paul Bettany's sake....

Extended Reading

A Knight's Tale quotes

  • Jocelyn: Even the peasants can marry for love.

  • William: Can you keep a secret?

    [the lone girl nods]

    William: I was born in Cheapside, in that house over there.

    [points it out to the girl]

    Lone Girl in Cheapside: Really? I live just there.

    [points to the house across from it]

    William: Wait, how old are you?

    Lone Girl in Cheapside: Nine and one half, sir.

    William: Nine and one half. I wonder, can you remember a man, although probably died just before you were born. He was as tall as a knight, his name was John Thatcher.

    Lone Girl in Cheapside: Well of course I remember him.

    William: You do?

    Lone Girl in Cheapside: Yeah, he lives there still.

    [William is shocked]

    Lone Girl in Cheapside: Sometimes you can see him looking from his window, though no one knows why.

    William: What do you mean?

    Lone Girl in Cheapside: He's blind, sir.