A Countess from Hong Kong Comments

  • Rosendo 2023-05-26 05:29:17

    The last work of Chaplin, the only color film, the cool Marlon Brando, the sexy Sophia Loren, the comedy is very stylized, and the plot is...

  • Beulah 2023-05-21 16:19:59

    Marlon Brando, Sophia Loren, and Chaplin's son starred in Chaplin's last film. The cast is strong, and the story is...

  • Ernestina 2023-05-20 09:48:48

    Chaplin's humanism was only glimpsed at the beginning of his last "The Countess of Hong Kong," whose aesthetic value was close to zero, before the film took a nosedive into a sex comedy that even the 1960s considered outdated. . The use of color in the film is reminiscent of those melodramas and light comedies produced by Universal, but the drama of the hero and heroine has nothing in common, especially Brando. Hudson can let...

  • Rahsaan 2023-05-13 01:45:57

    At first I thought it was played by Chaplin with a beard, but it turned out to be the godfather Marlon Brando. One with more significance than film...

  • Isidro 2023-05-06 16:30:57

    The Chaplin-tuned finale is still so lighthearted, with a skit in the cabin. This pair is also a...

  • Alena 2023-04-21 01:35:08

    "No" Chaplin's Chaplin movie, beyond recognition can no longer see whose...

  • Jamey 2023-04-06 18:48:17

    Brando looked at Sophia Roland, tapped his hand on the armrest, and made the sound of the train rumbling past. ╮(╯▽╰)╭ The dead are not worth their lives! !...

  • Roscoe 2023-03-21 15:00:22

    Chaplin's last work, a super-strong lineup of male gods and goddesses, took place in the enclosed space of a ship due to smuggling. The love story has little to do with Hong Kong. Dodging through the room still makes people laugh, Sophia Loren is so...

  • Brittany 2023-03-21 12:23:49

    Chaplin closed the mountain, the end of an era, seeing Chaplin with gray hair wanted to cry. Just swirl into the dance floor so softly, all dreams will never end. | Don't be sad. That's too...

  • Shannon 2023-03-04 13:46:41

    The last film directed by Chaplin,...

Extended Reading

A Countess from Hong Kong quotes

  • Miss Gaulswallow: [as John Felix enters her room with flowers, sees her and swiftly exits] What's that? Something flew in, then flew out. Must've been a bat. Ha, ha, ha, ha!

  • Ogden: I think you should be married before lunch. Uh, you wanna have a brandy?

    Hudson: Make it a double, if you please, sir.