Randi 2022-02-07 14:53:09
1. Secrets and lies, emotions and human nature, everyone tacitly conceals them; 2. The song and dance passages, colorful costumes and sets, are very...
Winfield 2022-02-07 14:53:09
B/ The torture of men by women who are attached to men is like the eight-beautiful chess game in this closed space; in the bloody manor woven by lies, the Illuminati are black women and immature girls. I was so embarrassed at first that I wanted to give it two stars, but then I found this quirky form very attractive. The bright and lively texture, the relationship between characters and the extreme absurdity of logic can be regarded as the advantage of stage play, but it also exposes the gap...
Madisyn 2022-02-07 14:53:09
Lori Royal Sister Maid Wife Lily Stripper... Undoubtedly, this is one of the best movies I've seen in...
Kyleigh 2022-02-07 14:53:09
It's cheating for Ozen to throw a national treasure-level beauty on the screen so naked! How can people calmly analyze logic? Please, who cares if that man is dead or not! Watching beautiful people sing and dance is the most important thing! Fortunately, Xi Fat did not make this film. In addition, grandma Danielle Darrieux is really beautiful for a...
Virgil 2022-02-07 14:53:09
Just like the autophagy of the Mobius ring, this time it is more thorough, directly substituting the original male characters, but they appear on the screen with three inseparable spiritual identity; Ou Rong skillfully transplants the stage play mode, using different lines from the past. Bombing creates spicy characters and creates another possibility for the author's style; eight songs and eight advanced states are like extravagant whispers hovering over the secret room; the standardized...
8 Women Comments
Suzon: Didn't you say you saw no-one?
Augustine: I forgot. I went for a drink.
Gaby: Or a prowl around Marcel's room! What happened?
Catherine: You'd know if you still slept with Dad.
Gaby: I'm being judged by my own child!
Pierrette: That's why I never had any.
Gaby: Just admit no man ever asked you to.
Louise: She
Louise: asked me to keep quiet and gave me 10,000 francs.
Pierrette: Which I regret, you hussy.
Louise: What?
Pierrette: Everyone knows you sleep around.
Louise: You know, since we sleep with the same ones, let me explain the bribe. I overheard you say to Monsieur, "Give me the money or you'll die."
Pierrette: No I said, "I'll die."
Louise: No, "You'll die."
Pierrette: My poor Louise! Your word is no good, you're just a maid.
Louise: Nor is yours. You're just a whore.
Pierrette: Which I prefer.