4 Moons Comments

  • Salma 2022-12-22 16:47:34

    Watch the cut down version...

  • Darrion 2022-12-17 10:59:18

    "Who doesn't love you, who doesn't deserve you." "I'm afraid of, one day, I will run out of love, and I won't know how to love you anymore." It's so lonely. I think I have a thing about Arab and Latino...

  • Harrison 2022-12-14 19:06:57

    "Those who don't love you don't deserve you,...

  • Oswaldo 2022-12-08 17:33:23

    Love is a bitch! In love, the one who loves more deeply hurts the most. However, that is the choice of the heart, and there is no right or wrong. The story resonates so much. Especially children, 10-year relationship and that evening love. As for that sweetest love, it hasn't found me...

  • Sofia 2022-11-06 07:45:35

    Why cut 4 separate stories together? I thought that there would be a line to connect, for example, the children grow up to become the student group, the student group becomes the scumbag group after a few years, and the scumbag group gets married for more than half a year and then becomes the elderly group,...

  • Cathrine 2022-11-03 22:21:58

    Ⅰ. Looking back on my childhood, I didn't have any ignorant heartbeats, and therefore I have never been hurt like that; Ⅱ. The scene where the old friends who reunited after a long absence and tasted sex for the first time is the biggest laugh of the whole film. After laughing, I feel helpless; Ⅲ. You love someone with all your heart, but you can't make them love you faithfully. Is it better to live apart from each other than to live on? Ⅳ. Reminds me of "Beginner", but in that movie, the old...

  • Reagan 2022-10-29 12:52:20

    Four independent short stories, each of which is very complete, if taken out alone, there is nothing special about it. I can't stand the good looks of Latin American men. No matter which type, it is enough to kill everyone in seconds. The film has no spearheads and is very peaceful. It just shows the small romantic love of the LGBT community as ordinary people. They face the troubles and problems of ordinary people without any prejudice or curious vision. nice....

  • Federico 2022-10-24 10:40:22

    At first, I thought it would be better to separate the four independent stories. Later, I found that this is the brilliant point. The old stories did not turn out new tricks, but because of the interweaving and advancement, the emotions were finally saturated, and it was full of joys and sorrows in life. The little boy's parents are really good; the ending of the story of the professor and the male prostitute is touching; the reunion of friends after a long absence is the sweetest and most...

  • Michele 2022-10-19 14:38:35

    7.5/10. The expression and direction of the four kinds of emotions, like the moon, have experienced the same kind of loneliness, some are going to perfection, some are going to be broken, some are going to die, but they can all be attributed to love. , as gentle as moonlight. The arrangement of ambient lighting and the combination of atmosphere and mood, the opening four paragraphs are accompanied by comics, and the details of various delicate love thoughts are all either beautiful or warm. |...

  • Elza 2022-10-14 05:11:37

    Typical Latin American soap opera...

4 Moons

Director: Sergio Tovar Velarde

Language: Spanish Release date: November 21, 2014

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