• Susanna 2022-10-15 03:35:51

    Such a story cannot happen in...

  • Dorthy 2022-10-14 16:35:52

    LAX-HKG/The pervert who attempted rape in the car is...

  • Ulices 2022-10-13 02:55:51

    Knowledge (rational) + beautiful scenery (nature) + things like things (chat topic + men and women (instinct) + reality (trauma) + driving (empty and far away = small fresh and beautiful love (soothing...

  • Barton 2022-10-06 01:48:00

    Was war fast nur schöner als der Kuss selbst? Die drei Sekunden davor. Dies Gefühl wenn du weißt gleich passiert. It’s not too much of a stretch to shoot ten hours before sex, just see the fresh blue-green filter, the sea, the Europa mountains, Occasionally crossing the woods, cornfields, pastures, small roads in French or Spanish towns, purple sunsets, elusive touches, the desire to be close to a free romantic partner on the romantic southwestern European highway, and carrying their own...

  • Mona 2022-09-19 18:43:57

    6.5/10 is not romantic enough, not realistic enough; not philosophical enough, not secular enough; not sincere enough, not dreamy enough; not stable enough, not wandering enough... In the end, it is a mixed product of pursuing freedom but not giving up details, good or...

  • Hazle 2022-09-19 07:06:59

    Capitalism is anti-human, it isolates us and leaves us alone, just to stimulate consumption. The song is very...

  • Ladarius 2022-09-08 20:27:28

    4.5, the road version of "Love Is", there are people looking forward to it, but unfortunately there are very few girls like this in China, maybe I don't have enough...

  • Alexie 2022-08-26 23:50:20

    The accent and feeling and everything are actually very Berlin, especially like friends around me. Lots of high-quality conversations. Classic RV and lifestyle. Push push...

  • Godfrey 2022-08-26 21:00:29

    I said that from stepping into the sea, the film is over; she said that the lines are well written, but the story is boring, especially the male protagonist looks very...

  • Cesar 2022-08-26 18:08:32

    People will not miss out because of different destinations, they will not miss out because of quarrels, they will not be missed because of a boy and girl friend, they will not be missed because they are depressed, or even because they are pregnant, as long as there is time and opportunity to let each other See each other's souls clearly and communicate with each other frequently, they must be the last...


Director: Hans Weingartner

Language: German,Portuguese,English,French,Spanish Release date: July 19, 2018