13 Reasons Why Comments

  • Michele 2023-09-29 03:39:23

    this is so FUCKING good! everyone should watch...

  • Jimmy 2023-09-21 09:52:42

    Going up and down is dull and tasteless. One season is the progress of the CSI...

  • Susanna 2023-09-17 23:05:14

    Ah, ah, how is the nutrition of American high school students so...

  • Jeromy 2023-09-11 00:26:34

    Only when you have experienced bullying can you know what despair is. It was ridiculous to stand in the present and look at the past, but at that time, I felt that the schoolmates seemed to be overwhelming. There is no way to laugh at the past. The pressure of words is enough for high school students, not to mention Bryce's evil deeds later, I think this filming is very real, there are always some people who are domineering, and the remaining people either pretend to be drunk or pretend to be...

  • Johnathan 2023-09-01 23:11:21

    TV series 013, people who say that this kind of thing happens because there is too little work in the United States must not know that suicide in China is the biggest cause of death for the 15-34 age group, and the suicide rate in China is several times the world average. In fact, this kind of disregard for people's subjective feelings and social Darwinism are one of the main reasons for pushing people to a dead end. When I was in elementary school, I was bullied for two years. Looking back, it...

  • Simeon 2023-08-30 13:26:54

    Don't think that what is not happening to you or around you is not worth paying attention to, or that it is difficult to understand, and that there are too many things that you can't think...

  • Vito 2023-08-22 14:53:52

    The most disgusting thing about this drama is not the story itself but the various comments. It mirrors your *jungle society and the spirit of winning. If you don't resist, you deserve to be caught. The focus is only the morbid psychology that can't be counseled. A bunch of potential rapists, self-entitled...

  • Abe 2023-08-07 13:57:03

    Everything affects everything. A realistic depiction of American high school life. Teachers and students are obviously natural enemies, and the teachers in American high schools always try to understand them with reason and emotion, and they are not as simple and rude as our teachers back then. Every day, I don’t have to make new words and talk about my worries. I can live a very lively life by fighting wits and courage with the...

  • Domenico 2023-07-09 03:32:25

    This theme fascinates me, it feels like "Life is Strange". If you were a little better to Hannah, wouldn't the tragedy happen? The editing of the series and the original soundtrack are worthy of praise. I watched more than a dozen episodes in one go. This is a good show that I can't stop at the...

  • Jade 2023-06-20 03:52:28

    The first season is already great, a complete group of teenagers, the second season should not be like "Skin"... I have a student who is very similar to Clay, kind, smart, shy and short (laughs) ); Unlike Clay, he is not very popular at school. This year, when he was defending his graduation, when he was nervous on stage, several school girls in the audience were still looking up at...

Extended Reading

13 Reasons Why quotes

  • Hannah: I'm glad you're still listening. Having fun?

  • [repeated line]

    Hannah: Hey, Helmet.

13 Reasons Why

Director: Jessica Yu, Kyle Patrick Alvarez, Gregg Araki, Carl Franklin, Tom McCarthy, Helen Shaver, Kat Candler, Bronwen Hughes

Language: English Release date: March 31, 2017