12 Monkeys Comments

  • Tyrese 2022-03-23 09:01:03

    There are too many clues. It is really a movie that makes non-native speakers sad to watch. You should download...

  • Garret 2022-03-23 09:01:03

    People in the future will send messengers back to the past to take virus samples after the virus has spread, which means that there must be a "history that has not been modified by...

  • Una 2022-03-23 09:01:03

    The steamed and overcooked version of la jetée is no longer a memory, but it reduces the beauty of existence in the rush of chasing and fleeing. By the way, Mark’s original obsession with Hitchcock is directly written on the screen....

  • Lavonne 2022-03-23 09:01:03

    We often say that the past cannot be changed. The important thing is to grasp the present, but how do we know that our present and future are not the past to others? Then how can we grasp the...

  • Dee 2022-03-23 09:01:03

    The second brush of 2020.2.9, the amazing link between the beginning and the end, the apocalyptic atmosphere, and the fable of fatalism, so...

  • Athena 2022-03-23 09:01:03

    "All your piety and wisdom will not make it a little bit back, and all your tears will not make it change a...

  • Laila 2022-03-23 09:01:03

    I was thinking about it for an hour and a half, why didn’t I hurry up to make the story round, and I saw that it turned out to be a tribute to Vertigo! What a magical...

  • Thaddeus 2022-03-23 09:01:03

    8.9 points, all your piety and wisdom will not make it a bit of redemption, all your tears will not make it change a little. Black fatal science fiction film, I actually like this one better than "Butterfly Effect". It is worth mentioning that Brad Pitt's acting skills were already superb in...

  • Alec 2022-03-23 09:01:03

    The old sci-fi of the 90s still looks so good now. The apocalyptic predictions plus time and space travel, the result is not that the ego saves the world, but abandoning the dream ending. The end of the world is inevitable, but enjoying every moment of the moment is the most important thing. In the ever-changing world, listen to the old songs ("blueberry hill") happily and cherish the people around...

  • Frieda 2022-03-22 09:01:03

    It is another film that tries to blur sane and insane through multiple time and space travels. The powerful tool for the movie to create suspense is that you don't know whether a statement is really true. Perhaps there will suddenly be an explanation behind that overthrows everything in front. In short, in the movie, you are just like in real life, you always want to seek a kind of real shelter: to rely on your thinking, common sense and self. Otherwise, you will feel that everything is...

Extended Reading

12 Monkeys quotes

  • James Cole: [In 1990, James is being interviewed by a panel of mental health doctors and trying to explain the situation] 1996 is the past too, listen to me!

    [the panel of doctors look at James with skeptical expressions]

    James Cole: What I...

    [James realizing this isn't going very well]

    James Cole: ... what I need to do is make a telephone call. I can straighten this all out if I can make a telephone call.

    Dr. Owen Fletcher: [Very skeptical] Who would you call? Who would straighten everything out?

    James Cole: The scientists. They'll want to know they sent me to the wrong time.

    [Dr Fletcher just nods]

    James Cole: I can leave a voice mail message that they monitor from the present.

    [Panel has mixed facial expressions]

    James Cole: Can I just make one telephone call please?

  • [while driving, they hear a news report about a police mobilization]

    Dr. Kathryn Railly: [tartly] Does that disturb you?

    James Cole: No. I thought it was about us. I thought maybe they'd captured us and arrested me.

    [Kathryn looks at him and he gives a small smile]

    James Cole: Just a joke.