12 Monkeys Comments

  • Carli 2022-03-24 09:01:03

    Cassandra complex. Butterfly effect is another form of loop loop loop. Finally, I found that Pete also loves and is good at this kind of neurotic role. Personally, I feel better than the performance in fight club, but I just don’t like...

  • Brett 2022-03-24 09:01:03

    Perhaps changing history is also creating history. Just like Novikov's principle of self-consistency, our world is the final outcome that has been changed. The practice of changing history, whether attempted or not, will ultimately lead to the result "destined" by history, rather than making an external change. The thought of going back to the past is really desperate. The time travel is just an endless loop. Bruce's tough guy turned out to be unlucky, and Pitt was really crazy this...

  • Lysanne 2022-03-24 09:01:03

    It's not so much science fiction as it is Hitchcock's suspense. It is not so much suspense, as it is an ode to an irreversible tragic fate. It is not so much a carol as it depicts an undecidable truth. It is not so much a philosophical thinking about reality and imagination, as it is a love of the world under the puzzle of time and space. The narrative arrangement, structural integration, and the connection of the lens group to the film are perfect, neither complicated nor...

  • Nella 2022-03-24 09:01:03

    I like watching this kind of brain-burning movies, and I feel that I understand it, but when I look at the film reviews, I get more and more confused. What kind of cycle, what is the history of who, seems to be really not a simple shuttle, and "Terror Tanker" Same ==...

  • Dina 2022-03-24 09:01:03

    This movie is really suitable for the current epidemic situation. Regardless of whether you know the plague in advance, you can go back to the past to stop the spread, or it will be regarded as a rumor, or you will think that it has changed the future, but still can't change the destiny, just like the young protagonist saw the future fall of himself. Human nature and social system have been confirmed countless times in history. Facing the danger of genocide, human beings are still alive on the...

  • Caterina 2022-03-24 09:01:03

    The past cannot be made up, and reincarnation is in vain and fate. Instead of indulging in self-pain and powerlessness, it is better to cherish the present. "All your piety and wisdom will not make it a little bit back, and all your tears will not make it change a...

  • Celia 2022-03-24 09:01:03

    I really don't know what those people who talk about and talk about are alive every day. Can people live more meaninglessly? When watching these films, you know what true feelings are, and you are usually hypocritical and...

  • Roel 2022-03-24 09:01:03

    No matter how the history changes, it is the result. The elements have changed, but the qualitative change cannot be achieved. No matter how you turn in the middle, the goal is there. It's like picking up a telescope and looking at the selected Yebi. After watching each branch, a day will pass. When I was young, I saw that it was Jereffer running away with the virus, but in the end I saw the scientist's assistant. How many rebirths does it take to correct? Someone asked, "Can you save mankind...

  • Alexis 2022-03-24 09:01:03

    All your piety and wisdom will not make it a bit redeemed, and all your tears will not make it change a little bit. The final ending song what a wonderful world broke out all my crying...

  • Pasquale 2022-03-23 09:01:03

    In addition to his muscles, Bruce Willis found here that his acting skills are also very attractive. He feels semi-crazy and acting very well. I can’t bear to watch this show anymore. The actor really has a stepdad. Ah... (The actor is so pitiful, the screenwriter is so cruel!) His own death was caused by...

Extended Reading

12 Monkeys quotes

  • James Cole: [In 1990, James is being interviewed by a panel of mental health doctors and trying to explain the situation] 1996 is the past too, listen to me!

    [the panel of doctors look at James with skeptical expressions]

    James Cole: What I...

    [James realizing this isn't going very well]

    James Cole: ... what I need to do is make a telephone call. I can straighten this all out if I can make a telephone call.

    Dr. Owen Fletcher: [Very skeptical] Who would you call? Who would straighten everything out?

    James Cole: The scientists. They'll want to know they sent me to the wrong time.

    [Dr Fletcher just nods]

    James Cole: I can leave a voice mail message that they monitor from the present.

    [Panel has mixed facial expressions]

    James Cole: Can I just make one telephone call please?

  • [while driving, they hear a news report about a police mobilization]

    Dr. Kathryn Railly: [tartly] Does that disturb you?

    James Cole: No. I thought it was about us. I thought maybe they'd captured us and arrested me.

    [Kathryn looks at him and he gives a small smile]

    James Cole: Just a joke.