12 Monkeys Comments

  • Berta 2023-09-12 04:08:59

    The only eye-catching Madeleine Stowe in Gulong's mysterious time and space travel was actually placed in the last starring...

  • Xzavier 2023-09-12 03:54:20

    Originally, it was exciting to watch it with a friend during the Tanabata Festival, but after seeing half of the ending, we all complained about it... =, = I feel that all the paradoxes of time travel may be explained by parallel space, and it can be a little bit more What is more...

  • Mozelle 2023-08-23 06:36:55

    All your piety and wisdom won't make it back a little bit, all your tears won't make it a little...

  • Billie 2023-08-17 15:08:50

    Producer Robert Kosberg has always had a soft spot for the 1962 French short film "Dike," which, in his opinion, was enough of an avant-garde short to make for an extraordinary sci-fi feature. Cosberg persuaded the film's director, Chris Mark, to approach Universal, which reluctantly agreed to buy the rights to the adaptation and bring in David Webb Peeples and Janet Peeples to write the script. (VIA Time...

  • Arvilla 2023-08-04 22:02:48

    This may just be the whimsical fantasy of an 8-year-old boy, but it's also a serious dystopian fable. Compared with the witty irony and humor in Terry Gilliam's other works, although the setting of animals re-governing the world is absurd, it is also an angle of worry about the future. The style of the film is darkened and becomes much more serious, and the circular narrative is enlarged. The fatalistic color of the...

  • Marlin 2023-07-31 07:50:15

    At the beginning, I always thought that the protagonist had a mental problem, but after seeing it, I found that there was a discrepancy. After reading it, I feel that the plot can be explained by time travelers, but the details can be explained by mental and psychological problems. Both Bruce and Pete are in love, and Pete's performance is very tense! A good film worth comprehending and pondering!...

  • Carli 2023-07-25 07:25:34

    Oh, Pitt! My favorite sci-fi movie! ...anomaly is the "law of the...

  • Eduardo 2023-07-19 08:42:49

    The first half of the plot largely copied "Dike", but there are still differences due to the introduction of the concept of "Twelve Monkeys" later. . It's not as classic as "Dike", mainly because it's not so twisted~, if anyone wants to watch it, you can watch "Dike" first, it's only 30 minutes~~~ Otherwise, it's almost spoiled after watching this, otherwise it won't ~~~BTW, although Brad Pitt is only a second male, he's a blast! !...

  • Cale 2023-05-23 02:55:05

    Time travel, underground city, witnessing his own death. . . The only impression is that "Dike" is a great work that has influenced a large number of sci-fi films in later...

  • Jarrell 2023-05-05 16:34:51

    Cassandra in Greek legend was condemned to know the future but to be disbelieved when she foretold it. Hence the agony of foreknowledge......

Extended Reading

12 Monkeys quotes

  • James Cole: [In 1990, James is being interviewed by a panel of mental health doctors and trying to explain the situation] 1996 is the past too, listen to me!

    [the panel of doctors look at James with skeptical expressions]

    James Cole: What I...

    [James realizing this isn't going very well]

    James Cole: ... what I need to do is make a telephone call. I can straighten this all out if I can make a telephone call.

    Dr. Owen Fletcher: [Very skeptical] Who would you call? Who would straighten everything out?

    James Cole: The scientists. They'll want to know they sent me to the wrong time.

    [Dr Fletcher just nods]

    James Cole: I can leave a voice mail message that they monitor from the present.

    [Panel has mixed facial expressions]

    James Cole: Can I just make one telephone call please?

  • [while driving, they hear a news report about a police mobilization]

    Dr. Kathryn Railly: [tartly] Does that disturb you?

    James Cole: No. I thought it was about us. I thought maybe they'd captured us and arrested me.

    [Kathryn looks at him and he gives a small smile]

    James Cole: Just a joke.