Zoë Poledouris

Zoë Poledouris

  • Born: 1973-8-25
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Starship Troopers quotes

    • [reporting on the failed invasion of Klendathu]

      Newsreel announcer: Crisis for humankind. Fleet officials admit they underestimated the Arachnids' defensive capability.

      [switch over to the Federal council]

      Newsreel announcer: Accepting responsibility for Klendathu, Sky Marshal Dienes resigns. His successor, Sky Marshal Tehat Maru, outlines her new strategy.

      Sky Marshal Tehat Meru: To fight the bug, we must understand the bug. We can ill afford another Klendathu.

      Newsreel announcer: Would you like to know more?

    • [arriving at the Fleet Space Station, Carmen and Zander see the devastation of the failed Klendathu invasion fleet]

      Zander: [shocked] My God. How could this happen?

      Carmen: We thought we were smarter than the Bugs.