Yôichi Numata

Yôichi Numata

  • Born: 1924-7-19
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

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    Ringu quotes

    • Reiko Asakawa: Four people died from watching this videotape!

      Ryuji Takayama: [laughing] Then go to the shrine and get exorcized!

    • [on the ship to Oshima Island]

      Reiko Asakawa: How did the rumours about the video even start in the first place?

      Ryuji Takayama: This kind of thing... it doesn't start by one person telling a story. It's more like everyone's fear just takes on a life of its own.

      Reiko Asakawa: Fear...

      Ryuji Takayama: Or maybe it isn't our fear, maybe it's what we secretly hope is true.