Wyatt Ralff

Wyatt Ralff

  • Born: 2004-10-4
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Moonrise Kingdom quotes

    • Sam: [whispering loudly] Get out of my chimney.

      Skotak: Listen to me. We're here for friendship. We're going to get you off this island.

      Sam: [whispering] No, thanks.

      Skotak: Yes, thanks. This is an emergency rescue.

      Sam: [in normal voice] It's worthless to me. There's no point, not without Suzy.

    • Suzy: We might have to swim for it.

      Sam: How deep is it? I didn't bring my life jacket.

      Suzy: I don't know but if it's too shallow, we'll break our necks anyway.