Wolfgang Bodison

Wolfgang Bodison

  • Born: 1966-11-19
  • Height:
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: "Ghost Upper Body"
  • Wolfgang Bodison is an actor, his representative works include "Ghost Upper Body", "Actor Star Dream" and so on.
    Extended Reading

    Joe Somebody quotes

    • Joe: You become a farmer?

      Rick: No, Joe, I'm an actor dressed as a farmer... for an audition.

      Joe: Sorry.

    • Callie: We had a great weekend. Did she tell you about the play?

      Joe: Yeah. The actors were naked.

      Natalie Scheffer: So were the ushers.

      Callie: They were not!

      Joe: Callie, Beauty and The Beast is in town. Whats matter with that?