Will MacAdam

Will MacAdam

  • Born:
  • Height: 6' (1.83 m)
  • Extended Reading

    According to Greta quotes

    • Greta: Julie! Julie, wait.

      Julie: That was bullshit, you know that? How you put my business out there, just so you could scare her.

      Greta: It was a joke.

      Julie: Okay you know what, I don't like being the punchline of your joke.

      Julie: What's with you anyway? Why, why are you like this?

      Julie: You didn't think twice about leaving me out to dry just so you could screw her.

      Julie: You know what bothers me even more than you playing me right now is, you staring at me with those big sexy eyes and...

      Greta: You wanna kiss me.

      Julie: Hell yeah I wanna kiss you.

    • Katherine: Course, you could've told us it was your day off.

      Greta: Well you could've let me know it was your day to get off.