Lady Bird Johnson: Would you like some more gravy?
Sen. Richard Russell: Oh, Lady Bird, it was delicious, but I just couldn't possibly, no. Thank you.
Lyndon B. Johnson: Hey, what about me? Aren't you going to offer me any more gravy?
Lady Bird Johnson: Oh, honey, I'd like to, but I can't.
Lyndon B. Johnson: Bird's got me on a diet. Got Zephyr there in kitchen weighing my plates for every meal. Ridiculous!
Sen. Richard Russell: [Snarling] Your wife doesn't want you to get too big for your britches. An entirely understandable concern.
Lady Bird Johnson: [as Johnson smiles smugly, Lady Bird leaves the room] I think I'll see how Zephyr coming with that cobbler.
Lyndon B. Johnson: Clausewitz said "Politics is war by other means."... Bullshit. Politics is War... Period. You know how you win a campaign, by not losing it. I only lost one election my whole life. The son of a bitch stole it from me in the final seconds with a handful of fake votes, I will carry the pain of that with me to my dying day. But I'll tell you what, nobody will ever do me that way again, It'll be some other way.
Walter Cronkite
Extended Reading