Torey 2022-03-21 09:03:05
Bow ties are ornaments that strangle their throats
The 9.0/10 bow tie is the best symbol to tangle their throats. Its absurdity allows its audacity, its bluntness requires its hilarity.
Antonio Pesci, Ph.D./Homicide Bureau Chief,
The use of sound effects at the beginning and end is dramatic. The structure of the police station is like a flock of...
Braeden 2022-01-20 08:01:47
Absolute power keeps the truth behind, everything is meaningless
The movie version of "Big Brother"
portrays absolute power's contempt for the truth.
The mistress likes to play killing simulations with the "powerful" director, and the mistress reacts to the "power" obsession. Social background: power is everything. During the period, he will use various...

Vincenzo Falanga
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion quotes
Il Dottore - Former head of homicide squad: The people are underage, the city is sick. Others are tasked with educating and curing this. Our duty is to repress it! The repression is our vaccine! Repression and civilization!
Patanè - 'Paese Sera' Journalist: Did she have a nice body?
Il Dottore - Former head of homicide squad: Skin like satin, like a true courtesan of the Roman Empire. Here's something for your left-wing readers: no undergarments were found in the apartment.
Patanè - 'Paese Sera' Journalist: A fetish?
Il Dottore - Former head of homicide squad: No. She just didn't wear them.
Patanè - 'Paese Sera' Journalist: I have my headline.
Il Dottore - Former head of homicide squad: Do me a favor, Patane, focus on the husband. Do me a favor.