Karson 2022-04-23 07:04:43
Chasing Boys Raiders
This french film with a vulgar title is one of my favorite comedies. I burst out laughing when I first saw it.
"Big Nose Lover" Gerard Depardieu and "Not Too Cold Killer" Jean Reno joined hands to interpret a pair of "good friends" who love and kill each other.
Big-nosed steel ball is a big... -
Skyla 2022-03-23 09:03:18
I won't shut up
The once big-nosed lover, with the peculiar smile of an imbecile on his face, enthusiastically followed Jean Reno, who was wearing a psychiatric uniform, and immediately, the two appeared on the streets of Paris in red and pink ladies suits... The scene has emerged, and the decision of "TAIS TOI!...

Vincent Moscato
Percy 2022-03-28 09:01:12
If there is such a person, who is a little stupid, a little long-winded, a little out of proportion, and follows you wholeheartedly, then in this world, you must know that he is your true destiny~~
Willa 2022-03-17 09:01:09
That's What We Call Friends. [The last shot is really a blast! 】
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Ruby: Let her sleep
[looking at Katia]
Quentin: We cant stay up all night
Ruby: Tais-toi!
Quentin: [moves behind counter and makes cow noise]
Katia: Someone there!
Ruby: [to Quentin] Asshole
Quentin: Sorry
Ruby: Liar
Katia: Who is it?
Ruby: [gets up from behind counter and walks towards Katia] Don't be afraid I'm wounded im hiding here.
[Katia goes to run]
Ruby: Ok run but your safe here
Quentin: [Quentin pops out from behind counter] Hi, I'm Quentin from Montargis
Ruby: [to Katia as she runs away] Wait!
[to Quentin]
Ruby: You idiot!
Quentin: Me?
Ruby: You scared her!
Quentin: I just introduced myself
Ruby: A huge moron pops out
[impersonating Quentin]
Ruby: Hi, I'm Quentin from Montargis, it scared her!
Quentin: Really? Usually people react well
Quentin: He has to be here, we went crazy together
Le malade jardin asile: SHIT!
Quentin: what's his problem ?
Le malade jardin asile: SHIT!
Quentin: RUBY!
Le malade jardin asile: SHIT!
Quentin: RUBY!
Le malade jardin asile: SHIT!
Quentin: can't you say something else ?
Le malade jardin asile: SHIT!
Quentin: SHIT!
Le malade jardin asile: RUBYYYYY!