Victoria Haynes

Victoria Haynes

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading

    The Manchurian Candidate quotes

    • Ben Marco: This is rich people, Manchurian Global, funding bad science, to put a sleeper in the White House, and that's what's going on Rosie. That's what's going on.

      Rosie: [holding gun on him] I want to believe you.

      Ben Marco: Well, then believe me. Help me.

      Rosie: Uh, uh, uh, uh.

      Ben Marco: Shoot me then. Help me or shoot me, make a decision. Make a decision.

    • Al Melvin: [disturbingly] I have these dreams, Sir.

      Ben Marco: [puzzled] Dreams?

      Al Melvin: [continues] Yes, Sir. Kuwait. It's you and me, Ingram and Baker and...


      Al Melvin: Raymond Shaw.

      Ben Marco: Okay.

      Al Melvin: See, I remember it happened...


      Al Melvin: Like you just said and then...


      Al Melvin: I don't...

      Ben Marco: Well, we had it pretty rough over there, Melvin. That was a long time ago. Memories shift...

      Al Melvin: [cutting Ben off] Do you have dreams, Sir?

      Ben Marco: [smiles] Everybody has dreams, Corporal...

      Al Melvin: [frustratingly] No, not these!