Victor Wilson

Victor Wilson

  • Born: 1964-3-16
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Cats & Dogs quotes

    • Sophie the Maid: [Sophie is washing Mr Tinkles. She finishes and puts him on the bath room flour, then leaves] I forgot your bow! Your pretty bow!

      Mr. Tinkles: [after she has closed the door] When I rule the earth, you will be the first on my list.

      Calico: [Coming from behind the toilet] Hey, you should keep your hair like that. It's very slimming!

      Mr. Tinkles: There's plenty of room on that list for you.

      Calico: [coming out towards Mr Tinkles] No, I mean it.

      Mr. Tinkles: What? We only have a few days to succeed. And although playing pet for that sick old man upstairs is key to my ingenious scheme, I can not take this humiliation any longer. Am I clear?

      Calico: Erm...

      Mr. Tinkles: Never mind. The puppy won't survive the night. Send in the ninjas.

    • Lou: [Lou has been taken outside my Scotty] Okay, here's the plan: Get off this patio. Get back to the barn. Get a better pitchfork. Huh?

      [Lou sees a bone with balloons floating to the ground]

      Lou: Cool...

      [He walks up to the bone once it lands and is about to touch it when he is interrupted by Butch]

      Butch: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

      Lou: Huh? What?

      Butch: I like your spirit kid. But do me a favor and step back.

      Lou: Hey wait, that's my biscuit...

      [Lou steps back and Butch kicks a stick to the bone causing it to explode]

      Lou: ... bone!

      Butch: Now, that would've been the shortest assignment in history.

      [walks off]

      Lou: Whoa... Hey where you're going?

      Butch: I guess HQ don't train you guys like they used to.

      Lou: Training? Hey, hey. Who exactly are you?

      Butch: Name's Butch. What stupid name did the bipeds saddle you with? Spot? Fifi? Rover?

      Lou: Lou.

      Butch: God forbid. Oh, Lou? Sorry.

      Lou: Is that kid always so grumpy? Maybe they should switch his food.


      Butch: Yeah, humans can get a little emotional. You'll get used to it, come on.

      [Lou and Butch walk into a dog house. Butch presses a red button which makes devices come out of the walls]

      Lou: Huh? Where's that coming from? Whoa... cool...

      Butch: What? It's standard equipment. You got your EC-three vid-phone, research archive database, cipher charts, snausages.

      Lou: [Lou sees a big red button] Hey, what's this?

      Butch: Heel! That's the big button. You don't just *press* the big button! Jeez.

      Lou: Sorry.

      Butch: Just try to remember your training

      [Butch sighs]

      Butch: Let's get started. Here's the skinny: Your new master's a scientist. He's been working for a few years now. He's been working on a cure for dog allergies. It's a big deal, because if no one in the world was allergic to dogs, we'd have the advantage. This was your predecessor: Agent: AIKA Buddy. He was catnapped about a mouth ago. Wasn't on top of his game, so he had to retire. He got a nice condo in Boca, huh! Lucky dog. Anyway you're here to replace him, and to keep the cats away from the formula. Can't let them near that... Now come on.