Veronica De Laurentiis

Veronica De Laurentiis

  • Born: 1950-1-13
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

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    Waterloo quotes

    • Duke of Wellington: [on Napolean's maneuver that split the English and Prussian armies] By God, that man does war honor.

    • Michel Ney: Wellington's on the run! I caught him at Quatre Bras! He's retreating!

      Napoleon Bonaparte: If Wellington's retreating, what are you doing here?

      Michel Ney: But, Sire...

      Napoleon Bonaparte: If Wellington's retreating, what are you doing here? Why didn't you follow him? Why didn't you pursue?

      Michel Ney: [Raises voice] where are the reinforcements you promised me?

      Napoleon Bonaparte: [shouting] Don't you dare criticize me! Don't you dare! Don't you see if Wellington's free to choose his ground then everything I've won in this campaign you've lost!