Vanessa Campbell

Vanessa Campbell

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Garfield quotes

    • Garfield: Poor Odie. He faces a life of torture, neglect and degradation... Hey, nobody gets to mistreat my dog like that except me!

    • Persnikitty: Will you please keep quiet? God, god! Oh, this really is too much.

      Garfield: Hey, Persnikitty! Happy Chapman's cat! What are you doing here?

      Persnikitty: I was his cat, until I outlived my purpose. And then he replaced me with a dog and dumped me in this wretched place. All humans are the same.

      Garfield: Not my owner. He only does what's best for me. He puts up with me and he feeds me.

      Persnikitty: And he lets you vacation in this charming animal pound. Hello.

      Garfield: Not for long, Persnikitty.

      Persnikitty: Would you please just stop calling me that? My name isn't really Persnikitty. It's Sir Roland.

      Garfield: Sir Roland.

      Persnikitty: Yeah, that's another one of Happy Chapman's acts of cruelty. I was trained in a classical theater, you know, mm-hmm. But now I'm a celebrity cable castoff cat, with a name I can never live down.

      Garfield: Well this may hurt a little, but, I'm trying to rescue the dog that replaced you, Persnikitty... I mean, Roland. Happy and Odie are getting on a train in less than two hours, to become regulars on Good Day New York.

      Spanky: Wait a minute. Did I just hear that? You're a cat that's trying to rescue a dog?

      Garfield: It's true, I know, it's a crime against nature. At first I thought he was a pain but, he's grown on me like a wart you wanna have removed until you realized it defines you in some funny way.

      Persnikitty: You know what, that is absolutely charming.

      Spanky: Let me ask you one question, chubby. What are you talking about?

      Garfield: How could you understand? He's my friend.