Tyra Ferrell

Tyra Ferrell

  • Born: 1962-1-28
  • Height:
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: "The Perfect Score", "Poetic Justice"
  • Tyra Ferrell is an actor whose main representative works are "The Perfect Score" , "Poetic Justice" , " White Men Can't Jump " and so on.
    Extended Reading

    The Perfect Score quotes

    • Kyle: Do you even know what SAT stands for?

      Matty: Suck Ass Test?

      Kyle: Scholastic Aptitude Test. Then they got rid of that altogether. You know what it stands for now?

      Matty: Humph.

      Kyle: SAT.

      Matty: What?

      Kyle: SAT stands for SAT. That's it.

      Matty: That's fucked up!

    • Anna: If you could do anything with your life and money was no object, what would you do?

      Roy: Anything at all? Well, when I was a kid I used to play this video game for hours, Street Fighter 2. And I remember thinking "You know, people get paid to do this - to think of the game and create the characters." Like there's this one character Blanka; he's like half human and half lizard who eats his opponents. Well ya know he either zaps them with lightning or he... bites their faces off.


      Roy: It's pretty cool huh?

      Anna: So you'd design video games?

      Roy: Nah, I'd kinda like to be Blanka.