Charley 2022-03-21 09:02:25
Views after ten years: In the face of accelerated alienation, arm yourself with knowledge, "Struggle for Rights"
Saw the movie in March 2010. To this day, exactly ten years. Write a small note to remember.
10 Years Ago: Shocked but Doubtful
◆ Reading background
I was still in high school when I read the film. After experiencing the major " event " of the 2009 earthquake , I saw the "new world" from the free...
Wayne 2022-04-22 07:01:39
You can change the world with every bit .
The following is the dialogue in the film and my little thinking. The numbers are the time of the dialogue, which is easy to find.

Troy Roush
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[last lines]
Troy Roush - Vice President, American Corn Growers Association: You have to understand that we farmers... we're gonna deliver to the marketplace what the marketplace demands. If you wanna buy $2 milk, you're going to get a factoryfarm in your backyard. It's that simple. People have got to start *demanding* good, wholesome food of us, and we'll deliver; I promise you. We're very ingenious people, we will deliver.
Michael Pollan: The idea that you would need to write a book telling people where their food came from is just a sign of how far removed we've become. It seems to me that we're entitled to know about our food: who owns it, how are they making it, can I have a look in the kitchen?