Tristan Lee Griffin

Tristan Lee Griffin

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading

    Follow Me quotes

    • Cole: [during his live stream] And I don't know why everybody shit talks Russia so much, besides all the guns and gangsters, actually not that bad.

      [Erin and all of the other guests at the Russian restaurant are shocked by Cole's blunt statement about Russia, even Cole now sees that he accidentally offended them]

      Cole: It's not!

    • Erin: Cole. You've gotten used to all of these people following you and watching everything you do and it's exciting, but I finally got to be apart of it with you. I'm not sure what these trips are normally like, but it looked like we were in real danger and you were too busy with your fans to notice. That guy pulled a gun on us and afterwards, I couldn't tell if you were more concerned about me or how many people were watching. I know there are two sides to you, the public Cole and the real Cole. My Cole. They both have their place, but... I always thought you knew the difference.