Tricia Pierce

Tricia Pierce

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 9½" (1.77 m)
  • Extended Reading

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    Bleach quotes

    • Ichigo Kurosaki: Eh-eah.

      [wipes away blood]

      Ikkaku Madarame: I don't get it.

      Ichigo Kurosaki: Hm?...

      Ikkaku Madarame: Sure there's some distance between us, but only a novice unfamiliar with fighting would allow a hand to leave his sword during a match!

      Ichigo Kurosaki: Why don't you just shut your trap! Alright? I got blood in my eyes! So I just stopped to wipe it away!

      Ikkaku Madarame: Even shallow wounds above the eye bleed profusely.

      [removes a cap on the end of his hilt]

      Ichigo Kurosaki: [puzzled] Mm!

      Ikkaku Madarame: [dabbing his fingers in an ointment inside his hilt] Therefore you must stop the bleeding...

      [spreading the ointment over his cut]

      Ikkaku Madarame: you can't just wipe it away.

      Ichigo Kurosaki: Hey! That's not fair! You have a special ointment to stop your bleeding!

      Ikkaku Madarame: It is too fair. It's called being prepared, you idiot! Instead of complaining, you should be applauding my professionalism!

      Ichigo Kurosaki: Eh-eah...

    • Zangetsu: [looking up at the sky; thinking] Ichigo... do you know how I hate rain? And it rains in this world, too. If your heart is troubled, the skies will become cloudy. If you grieve, it will rain ever so easily.


      Zangetsu: I wonder if you can understand... the fear of being rained on in this lonely world... To stop that rain, I shall lend you any strength, any power. If you just have faith in me, I will not allow any rain to fall upon this world.

      [speaking out loud]

      Zangetsu: Trust me, Ichigo. As long as I am here, you'll never fight alone.