Travis Barker

Travis Barker

  • Born: 1975-11-14
  • Height: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
  • Extended Reading

    American Pie quotes

    • [Deleted scene. Kevin talk on the phone with Tom, who is driving]

      Tom Myers: You called to ask me how to get laid?

      Kevin: Well, yeah, you know, it's not like I can really call my dad. I don't even have his number.

      Tom Myers: It's listed A-S-S-H-O-L-E.

      Kevin: Yeah, you said it... Anyway, I was calling to see if I could get some advice - brother-to-brother. I mean, I think that tonight, Vicky's... I mean, there's a definite chance that...

      Tom Myers: All right, all right - listen, have you ever heard of The Bible?

      Kevin: What? Not THE Bible?

      Tom Myers: That's not really its name but that's what we call it.

      Kevin: Does it tell me how to... to get laid?

      Tom Myers: You know what? Nevermind, you're not ready.

      Kevin: Wait, ready for what?

      Tom Myers: Woah, you're breaking up there. I gotta go, good luck at the party.

    • [Deleted Scene. The boys are in Dog Years]

      Jim: Guys guys guys - here's an easy one, okay: "Attractive single white female, fun-loving, youthful mind seeks outgoing companion". Okay; Attractive: ugly.

      Chris "Oz" Ostreicher: Fun Loving: Insane.

      Kevin: Okay, 'unlisted age' plus 'youthful mind' equals 'Old'.

      Jim: No, no no no - 'Charming' is old; 'Older' is really old; 'Youthful mind' is dead.

      Chris "Oz" Ostreicher: Yes, yes.

      [High-fives with Jim]

      Chris "Oz" Ostreicher: [to Finch] You're still eating that damn imitation hot dog?

      Finch: It's not an imitation. Removing the actual 'dog' from the Ultra Dog makes a better hot dog.

      [Holds up a roll full of salad, onion and mustard]

      Finch: Behold Ultra Dog - No dog.