Michael Moore: So there was actually one place on American soil that had free, universal healthcare.
[cut to aerial picture of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba]
Michael Moore: That's all I needed to know. I went down to Miami, Florida, Got myself a boat, and loaded up Bill, and Reggie, and John, and anyone else I could find who needed o see a doctor, and couldn't afford one. So many people showed up, I had to get a few extra boats. And I called up Donna Smith from Denver, who was now on 9 different medications, and asked her if she'd like to come along. I figured she'd like to get out of her daughter's basement for a while.
[Linda Peeno speaking before Congress]
Linda Peeno: My name is Linda Peeno. I am here primarily today to make a public confession: In the Spring of 1987, as a physician, I denied a man a necessary operation that would have saved his life, and thus caused his death. No person, and no group has held me accountable for this, because in fact, what I did was I saved a company a half a million dollars for this. And for the more, this particular act secured my reputation as a good medical director, and it insured my continued advancement in the health care field. I went from making a few hundred dollars a week as a medical reviewer, to an escalating six-figure income as a physician executive. In all my work, I had one primary duty, and that was to use my medical expertise for the financial benefit for the organization which I worked. And I was told repeatedly that I was not denying care, I was simply denying payment. I know how managed care maims and kills patients. So I am here to tell you about the dirty work of managed care. And I'm haunted by the thousands of pieces of paper in which I have written that deadly word - "denied".
Tony Benn
Extended Reading