Tommy Germanovich Jr.

Tommy Germanovich Jr.

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 11" (1.8 m)
  • Extended Reading

    The Village quotes

    • Noah Percy: [about to have a footrace] No cheating!

      Ivy Walker: What a deeply scandalous thing to say! I insist you take that back! Is that the school bell?

      [runs off]

    • Ivy Walker: We ought not to return right away, huh? What shall we do with our stolen time? Hmm...

      Noah Percy: Hmm...

      Ivy Walker: Hmm... Shall we have a foot race?

      Noah Percy: Yes!

      Ivy Walker: Up the hill to the resting rock?

      Noah Percy: [points accusingly] No cheating.

      Ivy Walker: What a deeply scandalous thing to say. I insist you take it back. Is that the school bell?

      [as Noah turns to look, she bolts and runs]

      Noah Percy: [turns back, runs after Ivy] Ivy, you cheated!