[last lines]
Nina Fawcett: [handing him the timepiece] The Brazilian gave me this to give to you. He said Percy told him you would understand. I have trained myself to be impartial to evidence, but surely... surely this is a sign.
Sir John Scott Keltie: Yes. I will have it examined.
Nina Fawcett: Thank you. That is all I can ask.
Title Card: Many rescue groups attempted to find Percy and Jack, but none was successful. Nina Fawcett kept hope that they would return, up until her death in 1954.
Title Card: Fawcett's belief in a lost civilization met with ridicule for almost a hundred years. But early in the 21st century, archaeologists uncovered an astonishing network of ancient roads, bridges, and agricultural settlements throughout the Amazon jungle.
Title Card: Among these sites was Fawcett's proposed location for the city of Z.
Tom Mulheron
Extended Reading