Yessenia 2022-09-16 20:56:27
Really perfect housewife
Another 50's movie. Everything in America at the time made me feel kind. Big bad jazz, poster, dresses for women, short sleeve shirts for men. Not even charming. At least to myself.
Julianne Moore has always been my favorite actress. Without a fresh and refined appearance, she has become a weight... -
Amina 2022-09-16 21:38:21
Julian Moore, stuck in that era
The prize winner of Defiance,
Julian Moore from Ohio and Nicolas Cage from Wheather Man are two of the characters that have moved me the most in over a year.
Evelyn Ryan is an ordinary housewife, busy all day in a family of 12 children. Despite her hard work, her family was often so poor that she...

Tim Dorsch
Extended Reading
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio quotes
Evelyn Ryan: I don't need you to make me happy. I just need you to leave me alone when I am.
Evelyn Ryan: [singing] My frisk the Frigidaire, clean the cupboard bare sandwich.