Marco 2022-05-15 12:07:30
Awaken the old and hardened elegance with rugby
I thought that George Clooney, like Li Zongsheng, is a sentimental and sad Cancer, empiricism made me make mistakes, gray stubble, and a bad smile in elegance, confused me, it turned out to be the same as me ——Taurus, long-lasting patience, perhaps it is this kind of character that makes him old...
Hillard 2022-05-15 18:14:14
The king's team produces beautiful and bad films
Wanted to write a review before reading it, but this time it's serious.
Leatherheads have a king's team, and you can quickly understand from the beauty and detail of the film's graphics.
The opening chapter was very exciting, but halfway through, I made a rash judgment: another elizabeth, another...

Ted Johnson
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Lexie Littleton: You're just acting like a big baby 'cause you miss your mother's bosoms.
Leonard: My mother's what?
Lexie Littleton: Her bosoms, you goof! You're substituting *my* bosoms for your mother's.
Leonard: What? No, I'm not!
Lexie Littleton: Why not? What's wrong with my bosoms?
Leonard: Honestly, Miss Littleton, we're in public. The rules of etiquette apply.
Lexie Littleton: Oh, Leonard, it's 1925. There are no rules. Except that boys like you are tedious until they're forty, at which point they become *unbearably* tedious.
Leonard: I didn't come over her to be insulted.
Lexie Littleton: No? Where do you usually go?
Lexie Littleton: [as Dodge is hiding behind a magazine] And don't think just 'cause you haven't said anything that I don't know what you're up to. I'm talking to you, behind the magazine. Don't you know I could have you arrested for eavesdropping?
Jimmy 'Dodge' Connelly: Excuse me?
Lexie Littleton: Or are you really an avid reader of "Ladies Home Journal?"
Jimmy 'Dodge' Connelly: I never miss an issue.