Suzy Amis

Suzy Amis

  • Born: 1962-1-5
  • Birthplace: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.
  • Height: 5' 8" (1.73 m)
  • Profession: actor
  • Nationality: America
  • Representative Works: Titanic, "Judgment Day", "Blown Away", "Very Suspect"
  • Susan Elizabeth Amis (English name: Susan Elizabeth Amis), born on January 5, 1962 in Oklahoma City , Oklahoma , is an American actor.
    The first movie she starred in was the 1985 comedy "Fandango". His works mainly include " Titanic ", "Judgment Day", "Very Suspect", "Blown Away" and so on. Married with film director James James Cameron on June 4, 2000.

    Performing Experience

    Amis was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma . Around 1980, she had her first job, a car model for Ford Motor Company , before she had officially become an actor. The first film she starred in was the comedy " Fandango " in 1985, in which she confronted the budding Kevin Costner (Oscar for Best Director in 1991) in the film. After Fandango, Amis successively played important roles in the Cremation of the Sea (1988), Where the Heart Is (1990), Rich in Love (1993) and other films. Her role in the 1993 movie The Ballad of Little, Josephine "Jo" Monaghan. After that, Amis played the role of Blown Away (1994), the very suspect (1995) and the sensational masterpiece Titanic . In "Titanic" she played Lizzy Calvert, the granddaughter of the heroine Ruth. In the same year, she co-starred in Western "Last Stand at Saber River" with Thomas William Selleck and also starred in the classic horror film "Nadja". The last big screen work of Amis was the 1999 movie Judgment DayAfter that, she left the acting industry.
    Amis met the film director James James Cameron during the filming of the movie " Titanic ", and married him on June 4, 2000. Amis gave birth to three children for James Cameron : Claire, Quinn, and Elizabeth Ruth. Amis also gave birth to a son named Jasper Whitlock Hale with her first husband Sam Robards (the same actor, who has appeared in films such as artificial intelligence and American Beauty ) .
    Extended Reading

    Blown Away quotes

    • Anthony Franklin: Know what you're looking for, lieutenant?

      James 'Jimmy' Dove: What are you? My shadow?

    • James 'Jimmy' Dove: [to Franklin] You ain't brave, asshole. You're dumb!