D'Artagnan: [after getting a ticket] What is this?
Aramis: It's a citation. It's a ticket.
Aramis: Failure to remove animal bowel movements from public area.
D'Artagnan: French.
Aramis: Your horse took a dump on the street.
D'Artagnan: You're joking.
Aramis: That's what they all say.
King Louis XIII of France: [gazing at Buckingham's war machine] What is that thing called, anyway Richelieu?
Richelieu: An... airship, your Majesty?
King Louis XIII of France: Why don't I have one of those?
Richelieu: An oversight on our part.
King Louis XIII of France: Right,
King Louis XIII of France: right.
King Louis XIII of France: Well, build me one.
Susanne Wolff
Extended Reading