Susan Marie Keller

Susan Marie Keller

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    Deadgirl quotes

    • [JoAnn see's Rickie staring at her in P.E. class]

      JoAnn: What are you staring at?

      Rickie: You.

      JoAnn: [JoAnn smiles] No you're not.

    • [JT threatens the bully Johnny to go and tell the cops about the dead girl]

      JT: Go to the cops. Send me, and Rickie, and Wheeler to jail... And yourselves. See, you won't be fit to tackle a retard with polio by the time you get out. Me and the boys? Well, we'll miss a couple of divorces, and handful of brats and about a million shifts at the gas station. See, jail is full of motherfuckers like us. We got nothing to lose.