Steven Polito

Steven Polito

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading

    To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar quotes

    • [last lines]

      Announcer: Presenting the crown, Miss Julie Newmar.

    • Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez: ¡Ay, nenita! Look! Look at this! Look what I found!

      Noxeema Jackson: Golly, golly, golly.

      Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez: The seats are like butter.

      Noxeema Jackson: Now this is a car.

      Vida Boheme: A car? Mary Alice Louise, no. This is a land yacht.

      Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez: You know, I used to know a lawyer guy who had a car just like this, and I said right then and there I was gonna have one for myself. Vida, can we have this?

      Noxeema Jackson: But we daren't.