Bernie Nayman: Jerry, You're a fucking moron. Here are your options: Number 1, I roll you up to the neck in a carpet, stuff you into the back of a sedan, and light you on fire with gasoline. You with me? Choice one.
Jerry: Yeah.
Bernie Nayman: Number 2, You like sex and travel? What, you like to have sex, you like to travel? You get you ass on a flight to Mexico. All the ten dollar hookers you can shake your stick at. You pick up a pistol that belongs to Margolese. What's it going to be?
Jerry: Oh, Ok, I was under the impression, with Margolese getting out of jail and all, that the last job, was my last job.
Bernie Nayman: You fucked up that job.
Bobby Victory: You fucked up that job, Jerry.
Bernie Nayman: Yeah, this job, will be your last job.
Steve Rossi
Extended Reading